Multiplier Event in Kaunas, Lithuania

Participants of the multiplier event in Kaunas

Place of event: Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania
Date: 12 May 2023

The fourth multiplier event of the FGPE Plus project took place on the 12th of May in Kaunas, Lithuania. The event was organized by Kaunas University of Technology. The agenda of the event included dissemination of the results of all FGPE+ results, as follows:
• About the project (R. Maskoliūnas)
• LTI integration (software): the possibility to use gamified programming exercises in courses delivered through popular LMS environments (T. Blažauskas);
• Mobile gamified PLE (software): improving the programming learning environment experience for mobile device users (T. Blažauskas);
• Gamification of Programming Exercises (methodological material): interactive guidance for programming educators on how to design and implement gamified programming courses (R. Maskoliūnas);
• Expanding the base of gamified exercises (Open Educational Resource): extension of the Open Gamified Programming Resource Collection with new courses containing 520 programming exercises (T. Blažauskas).
• Overview of gamification platforms – what’s changing (R. Damaševičius)
• How much gamification is involved in programming real games (Discussion with game developers)
• Q&A session

Almost 60 participants attended the event. The participants brought with them valuable experience in designing and implementing various educational installations, including those based on virtual reality (VR). Their diverse expertise added depth to the discussion which concluded the event.
The discussed topics comprised the befits of LTI-compliance added to FGPE, allowing e.g. for integration into VR-based
learning environments, creating potential of immersive virtual experiences in enhancing programming education.
Moreover, participants expressed keen interest in the plugin-based programming code analysis feature of the FGPE software. This functionality proved instrumental in developing training exercises across multiple programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and C#, among others. The ability to provide targeted feedback and analysis further enhanced the learning experience for students.